Monday, February 16, 2009


2009, Feb 7 From Lori Barbier.When I arrived, I was exhausted, stale, toxic. Your exotic Island Hideaway served as a restorative for this broken down bodyworker for really needed career stimulation and guidance. A fresh approach to the work and some new material, time to research and write, continuing education credit, bodywork, downtime, an absence of structure and "face time". I GOT IT ALL. David was as pleased and delighted and restored by the stay AS I WAS. Thanks for making it all happen and not "making" it all happen at the same time. The great aquatic library (both paper and electronic), the setup for convenient use and the quiet made for a little learning sanctuary. I can still see the palms passing shadows as the sun filters in. David really enjoyed Jim's lending library and just Jim. I've already called Grace and plugged the place for she and Henry, who would be returning students too. Can't say enough but should close for now. Deep appreciation.2009, Feb 7 From DavidI wanted to add my thanks for providing the perfect spot for some much needed total relaxation. Somehow you two gave us great privacy and yet made me feel like I was with old friends...comfortable and interesting, thoughtful and humorous. Thanks again.